Saturday, December 26, 2009

3 weeks out!

I am officially 3 weeks out today. I am healing great but I am spitting a few stitches in one breast. Not sure if I am supposed to just let them work themselves out or not. I will email Dr. S about it. We all had an excellent Christmas especially having my son home! I am so excited to have the whole family together and to be off work during this time makes it even better!

My daughter and son!

My two step-sons!

Me and my hubby!...He has lost 18 pounds since I went to Monterrey!

All of us together!!

18 days out in my first bikini post-op!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home and Settled In

So I got home last Friday about 6pm. I sat on my booty for a total of 11 hours!!!! This included 2 hour wait for airplane out of Monterrey, 2 hour wait in Houston, and 7 hours in the air! Lets just say that all the headway I made on swelling was lost on this day. I had kankles again. Oh and my booty was so sore and numb I could barely stand it. But it was all worth it to see my wonderful husband! He is the best. He met me at the gate and we hugged and kissed it seemed forever. Then he pulled out this jewerly box and asked me if I would marry him again since I had left my ring at home during the trip. It was soo beautiful! We went out to dinner so that we could miss the Friday afterwork traffic out of San Francisco. Boy, that Tylenol 3 had my name on it once we got home! I slept like a baby that night. My son came home that evening but stayed at a friends since he got in so late. I love having my son home and all the other kids are so excited to see him too. He was floored to see me thin. I hadnt seen him since May when he left for Iraq so I was still losing my weight. He was surprised to see me skinny and with girlies! haha. We went to a Xmas party the next night but my son knew his highschool buddies would give him a hard time since in his words...I look 'hot'...not sure about that but it made me feel good to hear him say that. Anyway, hubby has been helping me and making me just relax here at home. He had Molly Maids clean the house before I got home so I wouldn't feel I needed to clean anything. He is so wonderful. Dr S said I can go to gym if its only to walk on treadmill for a 30 minutes or so at a slow pace. I am walking at 1.8mph which is really slow for me but I have to be compliant. We also doing an hour or so Xmas shopping just to get me up and walking some. I found a couple little areas of concern on my thighs. One is where the thigh drain is and other is in middle of groin incision. They are size of pensil eraser. I sent them to Dr S and he said they are part of healing process and not to I won't :-) unless they get bigger then I will worry. I am obsessedly worried about openings and need to stop that...
I will post 3 week pictures next Saturday. Hopefully I can find a swimsuit before then so I have one to try on. I tried on the 36DD bra I bought at SV before I left and it seems too I have to go in and get them sized at SV again....but I think I will do that after they settle in more.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Back to California!

So Heather and I got all our sutures and drains out last night..yeah! I am packed and ready to go. I will post sometime tomorrow once I am settled in and can spend time with my family that I miss ssoooooooooooooo much!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One more full day to go...

So tomorrow is my last full day here. I have been so blessed to have my surgery sisters here with me in the absense of my hubby. We have been such a support for each other it unbelievable. Heather and I went to see Christine at the Clinic this afternoon. Although she is having a rough time with nausia I think she looks great. We helped get her laptop out so she could get on the internet once she had the code. We didn't want to spend too much time there getting her all worn out. Dawn is flying in tonight and I hope to meet her. If not I will PM her to see when Dr S is picking her up so I can hopefully give her a support hug before surgery tomorrow. After her surgery Dr S is going to remove both Heather and my sutures. I am not looking forward to the thigh ones as they are hyper sensitive to the touch. I told him I may scream and he got that innocent look on his face told me not too loud so I dont scare the people in the I will also hopefully get my last drain out tomorrow. I have been at 50cc two days in a row..hoping it will be even less tomorrow so I don't have it removed too early! Heather is getting her crown put on this afternoon but not back yet so Jennifer and I went to the food court to eat dinner. I just love their pizza there..and the blackened chicken. I is sooo yummy! I brought Heather back some so she gets some dinner in her. I think I will go down to cocktail hour and see if they have the hot dogs again like last week...I will sock it away in the frig for lunch tomorrow ;-). Just love hot
BTW, Heather and I have things we are going to pass on down to Christine and Dawn (dishsoap, protein powder, peanut butter, jelly, condiments..etc) before we leave so near future postops dont have to purchase them.
Heather and I have to hit the Galleria mall one last time tomorrow. Theres a pair of boots calling We will see if Jennifer wants to go too.
I miss my family and sooooooo ready to go home! I can't wait to give my wonderful hubby a big wet kiss! And kisses and hugs to my rug rats. My husband is taking the weekend off the help get me settled in...what a sweetheart. He has Molly Maids coming to clean so I don't fret over anything. Just can't wait to be back in my house on the couch in my special corner with my feet propped up! And to see my son who I haven't seen since May of this year!!!!! Just busting to get home!
I just want everyone to know that Dr Sauceda is EVERYTHING all the postops have been gushing about. I would not have gotten the aftercare like I have here in the states. He has come to the hotel almost everyday only not coming on days he has long surgeries. He even showed up at 9:45 last night after Christine's all day long was impressed. He really cares about us. He has asked the Heather and I do a video testimonial....I am nervous about it but if it helps him then I am all for it! He is truely gifted in being spot on to the individual needs. He doesnt just do same thing with everyone. He looks at you and recommends what he thinks is best for you as an individual. is my 1 year Surgerversary with my VSG weightloss surgery! This year has gone by quick but I lost a total of 72 pounds..and gained some new girlies along the way!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dinner with Dr. Sauceda!

So I was out and about a good amount of the day today. The girls and I had lunch at the food court by the HEB and then went over to get some stuff at the HEB. Gotta love having that store right next door to the hotel! Kaylyn and Dee had to go to Dr Sauceda's office to get their sutures out. Heather also needed to get a few drains out so I tagged along. They say it didn't hurt too bad but hummmm I will see on Thurs. night for myself..I am such a wuss. We were then off to dinner with Dr. Sauceda to the Lady Bug restaurant. Really, really beautiful restaraunt and only about 5 minutes away. We got some dishes and shared family style which was great. Unfortunately Kaylyn wasn't feeling well so her and her mother couldn't make it.. :-( Dr. S was on his way to pick Christine up at the airport after dinner and get her all marked up for tomorrow's surgery. Go Christine!! And I am hoping to meet Dawn in person before I many of us! Both Dee and Kaylyn are leaving tomorrow and I am really bummed about it. They are great surgery sisters! And Wanda (Kaylyn's mom) is a savior for carrying and picking stuff up for all of us..Big hugs and thanks to her! Heather and I are here until Friday and Jennifer arrived at the hotel today so I will hopefully get to meet her tomorrow.
Funny story from today walking back to the hotel from Dr. S's office. I am walking along with the girls and we just passed a bunch of construction workers. I feel something running (falling) down my leg somewhat slowly and hit the top of my foot! I was all freaked out thinking it was some animal or mouse or something that I grab up my pants leg and its my drain! so my drain had fallen down my let and how the heck was I going to get it back without reaching my hand down my pants. Mind you we are on the side of a VERY busy road....So all the girls hover around me so I can put my hands down my pants and retrieve my drain like fishing in a pond without people seeing!!! Mind you we were all laughing so hard that anyone in hearing distance would notice us. So after I fished my drain up I saw there was this man right on the other side of the fence watching the whole thing! He was smiling big time..I just raised my hand and said "Hi"..what else could I do? It was really funny.
Well, I miss my family and my hubby so much. I am so glad we can talk multiple times a day! I am getting anxious to get home but know that Xmas is the following week so I have to put my mind to just chilling and letting the family take care of things. I really don't want to over due it.
I am hoping to take 10 day post op pics tomorrow morning when Patty comes to help shower and guaze me up. I am now in the 8oclock timeslot since Dee and Kaylyn are gone. That I like!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

3 out of 4 Drains are Out!

So Dr S came by yesterday midmorning and looked at my drain numbers and determined that 3 out of 4 of my drains could come out. Yeah!!! I didn't have to be preggie girl (drains under sweatjacket) anymore :-). When he pulled them out they didnt hurt just kindof burned as they slid. Not a big deal. I got to meet Heather yesterday! She is a sweetie. We actually have ajoining rooms. She is doing really well..not even complaining like my wimpy self when I was that far along. Goodness...I am still complaining :-) but it is better. I am only sore when I am close to med time and in the evenings. Kaylyn, Wanda (her mom), Dee, and I went to the Galeria Mall to do some walking and shopping :-). We had the shuttle drop us off at 2pm with expectations of being picked up at 5pm. For future postops...3 hours is too long. 2 hours would have been perfect. The mall is huge and has lots of things. But I couldnt get over how many shoe stores they have..I swear it was close to a 1/3 of the stores.....crazy! We had such a good time though. I invited Heather but knew it was too soon for her to be out that long. I will have to back with her before I leave since I am here until next Friday. They have a HUGE movie theater in the Galleria too. I am sure there was some movies in English but we didnt check it out. By the time 5pm hit we were absolutely pooped. Poor Dee felt like she was a walking puff ball (poor thing..she is retaining water) and I felt like a walking diaper rash! My drain incisions leaked and soaked my bandages and my inner thighs got raw where I have my groin incisions. I got myself all fixed up when I got back to the room. Tip for future patients using need to be outside exactly when they pick you up. they have a few minutes to come into the parking garage to pick you up and then they have to leave. We were waiting on the inside glass doors because people were smoking outside and we saw the van just rush by! We were soooo mad since it didnt give us a chance to get out there. Anyway, a nice lady at Wendy's who knew English (thank goodness!) used her cellphone to call the hotel and they came back for us. There was no way we could walk. We all were supposed to go out to dinner with Dr S but we had wore ourselves down from walking we asked if we could postpone..he is so sweet and didnt mind at all. We met Jennifer who was getting marked up last night. She seems very nice. Today is her day. Go Jennifer!!!!
When I was changing my gauze last night I noticed a brown area where my thigh incision drain came out and a little white stuff in it. Dr S will be by today to take a look...not sure if that is normal or not..thinking not but at least we can nip it in the butt early.
I miss my family (especially my hubby) more and more. Only 7 more days and I will able to give him a bigh wet smooch! And give my daughter and son (since he will be flying in same day) huge hugs and kisses. I am so blessed that I can communicate with my husband at any time. He is always asking how I am doing.
Here is a pick of us at the Galleria mall. Just having a blast with these girls..They all make this pain and soreness just a little less prominant. And we can vent our issues to each other :-).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day started off real sad....

So for no reason at all I woke up sooo sad this morning. I couldn't stop crying! I posted this and got lots of support from my OH family but talking to my wonderful husband helped alot. Taking a shower and getting out with the surgery sisters added to me feeling better. The emotional rollercoaster is a trip! I feel really good now but oh boy I am getting lots of swelling in my calves and c(ankles) this evening! I think its because I was up walking on my feet so much. Klyee, her mom, Dee, and I walked over to the little mall and had lunch in the food court. They have chinese, salads, fish, mexican, pizza/italian, and maybe a few other things there. I had lemon chicken with wedgy fries and steamed veggies. It was really reasonable. Since I can't eat much I had my leftovers for dinner. Saved some $$$ :-). I just love these girls here. It does make it easier. Because it was a little warmer than it has been lately I didn't feel comfortable wearing my drains in my sweatjacket (makes me look preggie which is fine by me). I have to give all the credit to Kylee for thinking this up but I put my drains in a grocery baggie and held it up against the area they came out of my pants! She is ingenious!. I have to say that shopping is hard because you have to use one hand to hold bag against you and other to shop/eat...was a challenge I must say. But the others helped by holding my stuff on the way back. Here is a pic of me a preggie and one of me as a bag lady :-). I am meeting up with everyone for cocktail hour tonight. Last night we had pizza, doritos, popcorn, and pork I went thinking that would be dinner but not a WLS postop protein dream dinner..but it is free :-). Wonder what it will be tonight!Oh by the way, the lipo is still making me reallll sore and my booty is a hurtin' still too but just not as bad as yesterday. They are all right....each day gets a little bit easier!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3 days post op

Well, today was 1000% better than yesterday. By the time I went to bed last night I felt I was going to absolutely bust out of my garment. I actaully emailed Dr S to ask if needed a bigger size. He was in my room within 10 minutes because of my concern. He reassured me that the tighter the better...hummmmmm....but I trusted him. I took the oral pain med before bed last night but was way uncomfortable. I woke up around 4am and took the Ibuporforin (sp?) he gave me because I was so just so darn sore and uncomfortable. I was able to back to sleep and when I woke at 7am I was feeling soooo much better! Dee told me its prob because its an anti-inflamitory med. By this evening I did feel like i was going to bust but not as sore as last night. I met Dee this morning. She is the most sweetest lady! I love her. I was also able to see Kylee and her mom again. Every day we are all feeling much better.
I went to the HEB (like a super Walmart in a way). It was interesting trying to buy some things since everything is in Spanish. I picked up some lunch items and fruit. I tried to get some lunch meat but didnt bring my Spanish-English book so I wasnt sure what the meat
I miss my hubby and kids :-(. It is good I can be in contact with my hubby because I just miss being at home and with them all. I have to look at it like I need this healing time so that my travel back is non eventful. I am here until the 18th so its going to be a long time before I get to give my man a big kiss! I am grateful to have my surgery sisters here with me or I would be a true basket case and more lonely than I am.
Our puppy is going for her first training class tonight so I can't wait to here how she did...oh lordy I feel sorry for the trainer :-). She is a pure black German Shepard. She is adorable but let me tell you..she can be a brat! I even miss her even though she is a terror at times!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Surgery Day

Dr Sauceda's wife greeted me with a hug in the hotel lobby at 8am. She drove me to the clinic. She is sooo nice! I have to say I was not as nervous as I thought I would be. It might be because there wasn't time to think about things. They got the ball rolling very quickly. We got to the clinic within 10 minutes and she took me to fill out some papers and sign my name. That was interesting becuase I couldn't understand that they wanted me to print then sign this one particular paper. I went through 3 papers before I After that Dr S wife showed me my room I would be staying in and dropped my luggage off there. We then went into little room where you change your clothes into a hospital gown. Right away I was wisked off to a bed in the recovery room to have my IV put in. Dr S wife was great and it didnt hurt at all. I have had bad incidences with IVs in the past so I was happy with that. They had me take a couple of white pills and lay there while they got everything prepped. It was about 5 minutes. There were a handful of nurses running around to get things started. I was then taken to the OR room where they sponged me down with the bentadine (sp?). The nurse was so nice..she kept saying sorry since the air was cold on me. They helped me on the OR table, Dr S wife put the IV in and I was out like a light. I did wake up during the procedure which was freaky realizing that after. I remember waking up but only hearing what was going on not seeing anything. They had music on and lots of people talking around me. I said something like I am awake. Dr S said we are working on your thighs. I said 'ok..can you put me back to sleep?" The next day when Dr S came in I asked him if that really happened or was I dreaming...nope it did.He says it happens sometimes because they have to be very careful on how much they give to people. I had the eppidural so I couldn't feel anything...I remember watching a movie a month ago or so called "Awake" where the guy is awake during the whole heart had freaked me out because I thought what if that happened to me??? And it did..kindof but didnt hurt. Anyway, next thing I know I am waking up with my garments on and Dr S talking on the phone to my husband. He handed the phone to me so I could tell hubby I was ok. He was really relieved. They moved me back to my room and I noticed my legs were still alittle asleep. Eventually they came back. That garment was so freakin tight on me it was crazy. I didn't get good sleep that night but Dr S reminded me that I was asleep for 10 hours so I shouldn't have been to sleepy. I was not in any pain the first night with exception that my booty and my vajayay was soooooooooooo itchy! I mean really itchy. So I asked for itchy medicine. Yesterday (day after surgery) I was in more pain. My TT, breasts, and Thigh lift areas were not a problem but my booty was soooooo soooo sore and hard to lay on. I could not get comfortable. I went through the buyers remorse stage yesterday I have to say. I was know..I wasn't that bad to begin with why the hell did I do this to myself? A funny thing with my catheter. I had no idea I had one in all the first night and most of morning yesterday! I thought wow..I have to go pee but then I thought I would just hold it until I called the nurse..then I didn't have to go anymore. Didn't even think about it. I had never had one in to know what to expect. So in the morning the nurse brought this big test tube vase looking thing that had measurements up the sides next to my bed.. I was thinking what was this for and all of a sudden she pulls this catheter bag out from under the bed with lots of pee in it. I was shocked first of all to know I peed that much and didnt realize it but secondly that I had a catheter in me! What a dufuss I am! My husband text and called me all day yesterday seeing how I was doing. He kept reminding me that in the end I will look great..I was buying it yesterday since I felt like crap. And these crotchless garments are for the birds! Once I had to start peeing on the toilet I kept getting my thigh gauze pads wet. What a pain I tell you. I guess the garment wasnt pulled up all the way so it was leaking in. Today the nurse put my new one on and got it where my vajayjay is practically hanging out LOL. But I was able to use the restroom without having my pads changed out. Last night Patty changed my med to a stronger one and add my Ambien to sleep with I was a happy camper through the night. I woke up once to use the restroom but got at least 5 hours sleep. Whew. This morning I got my IV out which then allowed me to get around better. I also got to take a shower. It felt soooo good to have my hair washed but I was freezing in the shower since I sat there while the nurse washed and conditioned my hair. They are so nice! After the shower lunch came. We get to order from a menu that has had some really good food. I was able to start eating real food next afternoon after surgery. Today I had nacho fries which I only ate (I know I know..not protein) but I did follow it up with a Muscle milk shake that I am still working on. I have to say I admire people who do these procedures then go home right away. There is no way I could have done this without nurses help the first 2 days. Also, it is very doable to come here alone since we do have all the help around us but if you have the opportunity to bring a person that will support you mentally and help out with the little things I would say do it by all means! I had my wonderful hubby with me during my VSG WLS in Mexicali. He was able to help reach for things, pick things up off the floor, and just be there for me to vent! This time around I am able to communicate via Text and calls but its just not the same. And I hate to call the nurse in to plug in my phone or make me a shake or pick up the jello container I pushed off the tray be accident. Hubby could have done that for me. Well, I am sitting on the couch right now and my booty is really starting to get sore..actually hurt so I need to head back up to the bed. I will keep everyone posted.
Oh I almost forgot here are 2 postop pics. You will see how swollen I am in the face in the pictures. Actually, it has gone down from yesterday morning. I woke up looking like an alien!!! But I know it will all work its way out of me. I am very swollen so you won't see any of the improvements other than my girlies in the pictures but thought I would post them anyway.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mark Ups pics

Dr S said he would give me copy of some of the pics he took of me once he marked me up but here are a few that I took when I got back to the room.

He marked me for lipo on the flanks and outer thigh...then marked me where he is going to insert my good fat into my booty. He says he will insert as much of the best fat but I won't have a J-Lo booty. I am cool with just having an improvement :-)

I will have the donut hole lift but we are not completely sure with size yet. It will depend on when he places them in since I do have some tissue. To allow me to have a very low TT scar and keep my bb in the same place I will also need to have an approx 1 inch vertical scar between my TT and new BB. It was that or have a really low BB..I chose the scar.
I am so at ease with Dr S. He was so nice and sincere. He wanted me to know he is not perfect and I told him I am not looking for perfection. I am looking for improvements. But his work so far that I have seen is awesome...
I have to say that I have the most supportive, loving DH in the world. He is trying to support me from another country and he is having a hard time with this. He is worried about me going under in another country and not being able to be here with me. He has been the best with ALL my craziness, like coming out of left field and getting all this done so quickly. We knew I wanted this but just not so quickly after WLS. But after all this, he loves me and wants the best for me. You can't ask for anything more from a partner in life. I adore him and appreciate all that he has done for me (and my children). Big hugs and kisses to him..he is a great husband.

So we will see what happens in the next couple of hours! Dr Sauceda's wife will pick me up at 8am for an approx 9am start. Yeah! I am not really nervous but am getting excited :-)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Contact Info while in Monterrey

Thought this would be beneficial to everyone going to Monterrey:

Name: Francisco Gerardo Sauceda Mireles
Office address:
Centro de Especialidades Médicas (CEM)José Benítez 2704 int 401Col. Obispado Monterrey, México
Telephone: (81) 82204477
Hospital: Christus MuguerzaToll-Free (from US/CAN): 1-866-558-6070
Hotel:Hampton Inn by Hilton Monterrey/Galerias-ObispadoAvenida Gonzalitos 415 Sur Obispado, Monterrey, Mexico 64060 Tel: +52-81-8625 2450 Fax: +52-81-8625 2451 ___________________________________________________
American Embassy in Mexico CityPaseo de la Reforma 305Colonia Cuauhtemoc06500 Mexico, D.F.
From Mexico:Tel : ( 01-55 ) 5080-2000Fax: ( 01-55 ) 5525-5040
From the U.S.:Tel: 011-52-55-5080-2000Fax: 011-52-55-5525-5040

Couple of Pics of hotel room

Thought some would be interested in the hotel room...I am on the 1st floor and my window looks out to the pool..

I made it to Monterrey!!!

Just wanted to let yall know I made it safe and sound to the Hampton Inn here in Monterrey. My hubby dropped me off at the airport for a 12:30am flight. It was hard to say goodbye to him since I know he wanted to come with me :-(. Well, with the 3.5 hour layover in Houston I finally landed at around 11am (Monterrey time). I am happy to say that customs was a breeze for me! I went through and had my paperwork stamped. Then went on to have my luggage xrayed. The nice guy at the desk asked me what food I brought and I told him snacks and protein mix. He said push the red button and go on my merry way. I was like "what"?? I don't have to have my baggage searched? I was a really happy camper!

Sergio (DR S's driver) was waiting for me at the exit. He is the nicest man! He is a tour guide also so he told me all about Monterrey on our drive to the hotel. Dr S is in surgery with Kaylyn right now so he couldn't pick me up. But Sergio said he wanted to make sure he called him since he was concerned that I came in alone and wanted to make sure I made it alright.

I walked over to McDonalds for a quick lunch but have to know what is the exchange rate from you vets out there??? The Junior pack (kids meal) was $51.00....I know that is peso's but really weird to see that an icecream is $6.00. I just gave the kid a $20 not knowing how much it was. He was really nice too. Okay, well I think I am going to take a quick shower since I have been up all night on cramped airplanes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time is almost here!

Okie dokie guys and gals....I am all packed up and the luggage is in the Tahoe. Soon we will be heading out for dinner with the rug rats before I leave on the Red Eye tonight! Funny thing is I am not nervous right now. I saw Katie's before/after pics today and now I am really excited to tell the truth. Dr S did an awesome job on her and now its almost my turn. I will post once I am settled in tomorrow...

BTW, I have posted some before pics under my profile on OH. Password is hope2bcurvy. I will post some here once I have edited them a little more....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

OK...about the waxing thing....

Well, on Monday, I went to a new place by my work to get waxed. I decided to do the full leg and full Brazilian. This place uses a European wax which is bright blue/purple. It was nice and warm going on but ohhh boy you can feel it coming off! I have to say, I have only waxed once before on my lower legs using the typical strips. This did not hurt as much as the traditional way. Once the wax is dried they just pull it off. It doesn't rip your skin like traditional. But the vajayjay hurt for sure! The girl who did it made me as comfortable as possible considering the situation I was in....But what is with the little white bumpies? Its been 2 days and they are still there! They look like little white zits...yuck...They tried to sell me some stuff that would keep them away but I thought they were just trying to get more money from me...maybe I should have got it. The rate was so reasonable at this place. I only paid $13 for my brazilian since I was a first time customer..bakini wax is free first time but you can upgrade for the xtra $$. I paid regular price for full legs which was $58. I guess you can get memberships and save each month for a fee but I'm not thinking I will any time soon.........

I am getting nervous since I leave out tomorrow night on the red-eye. We are planning to do family dinner with our kids at Chili's and then my hubby and I are going to Jack London Square in Oakland to see the Xmas lights before he drops me off at the airport. I fly out of SF to Houston with a 3 hour layover..ugh. Then off to Monterrey. I have to find out if I have to pick up my luggate at Houston and re-check..hope not :-)

Dee is in surgery right now so I can't wait to hear an update. I am sure Dr S will take great care of her though.

Well, I need to figure out how to use the new touchscreen camera I got for early Xmas present so I can take pre-op pictures when my hubby gets home. He is all excited to take pics... haha..I also need to figure it out so I can take pics in Mexico..oh lordy.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Getting ready.....

So we decorated the house yesterday and put up our Xmas tree. I love, love, love our new tree. We got a 9ft pre-lit one from Costco. We usually get a real tree but we knew we needed a fake one with a new puppy in the house this year. It was really easy to put up and no vacumming of pine needles..yeah!
I have also purchased most of our gifts but hubby will have to wrap them :-). I will finish up tomorrow (Cyber-Monday) hopefully so I won't have to worry about any of that when I get back. I will prob be uncomfortable enough.
My hubby is so supportive! He helped me clean and declutter our bedroom and walkin closet. He is also going to help get my son's room ready for when he gets home. He says I must be 'nesting'..??.....Not sure but possible. We host Xmas every year having about 20-25 family members over. I usually clean like a mad woman before but I won't be able this year. Hubby called Molly Maids so I will come home to a clean house and also for day before Xmas so I don't have to worry...yeah again!
I am tired...must be time for bed.....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Back Friday...Ugh!

So Hubby and I went to the gym this morning. After the gym I tried to hit a few stores to catch the last of some door busters...yah right! Everything I wanted was gone. These people must have parked outside the stores last night because I was told that the things I wanted was gone right away..oh well..didn't need that stuff anyway :-). I need to save the money since we will be super broke soon :-). But I did get the cutest free big bag from Victoria Secrets though. My daughter went with me and fell in love with she proly get it for Xmas..sigh...I picked up a cute bra in the size I want to be post surgery. Its a 34D. I am going to fill a couple of bags with rice and add them to the cups to see the potential results... I hope DH will like this size. I think I will take the bra with me to try on with Dr S and see what he says.

Today I was looking at Dr S past patient pics and now getting real excited. I have to admit I go back and look at all theirs often trying to visualize how I will look and feel after. I actually found a few gals pics that I had not seen previously and that was exciting too.

Hubby and I planning to take some pre-op pics soon so I will have those posted after. I kind of want a new touchscreen camera to take to Mexico but really don't need it. I think I will borrow my daughter's since hers takes better pics than my current camera.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Packing List

This list is courtesy of Jessica (Thanks Jess for posting this list for everyone)! Hope you don't mind I added to my blog.

Tylenol PM
Purex Laundry Detergent
Sheets 2
Plastic Plates 2
Plastic Bowls
Plastic Silverware
All purpose knife or leatherman
Muscle Milk or some other kind of protein drink
DVDs Movies
Anti-bacteria hand cleaner
Anti-bacteria spray sanitizer
Books/Magazines to read
Hand lotion
2 extra pillows
Extra gauze and medical tape
Pads for drains
1 old sheet (left in Mexico)
Vitamin C
Grape Seed Extract
Vitamin A
Arnica Montana
Silicone Strips
Grabber or something to help you pick stuff up
Baby Wipes
2Lanyards to hang drains on in shower
Camera Charger
Cord to download pictures
Bikini bottoms
Bikini Underwear
2 U Shaped Travel pillows Only used 1
Disk of Pictures to show Dr Sauceda
Hair rubberbands
Spanish Dictionary (used internet translator online instead)
Deck of cards
Cash for tips

Last day of work until January 18th!!

So I am finishing up my last day of work for a good while! I am taking next week as vacation to get my ducks in a row before I leave for Mexico. I am sooo excited but nervous at the same time. I believe I have most everything lined up with exception of the cashier's check. I have to wait for my funding to clear the bank first.

We are also getting ready for Thanksgiving. Its going to be a small one this year with just my DH, daughter and Dad which is fine with me. I do wish my step son's would be here and my son but will deal with it.

My son will back in the states on the 4th and I am sooo excited about that. He flies home on the same day I get back from Mexico but comes in at a different airport. He gets to be home for both Xmas and New years...Yeah! During his deployment in Iraq he got to do missions/training in Italy, France, Greece, Bakarain (sp?) cool is that? On the other hand hand it was hard work during his time in Iraq. He just qualified for a higher position job (Sensor I) which I am sooo proud of him. He studied and worked very hard to qualify for that. I am going to love him being home during the time I get to take time off.

Happy Turkey day if I dont log in tomorrow!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

2 weeks from Today !!

Two weeks from today I will be landing in Mexico! Dr. S says he will have his drive Sergio, pick me up since he will be in surgery with Kaylyn that morning. He reassured me he speaks very good English. It doesn't bother me that someone else picks me up as that is how it worked when I got my VSG with Dr Aceves.

But I am just now starting to worry about every littlle thing! Up until now I have been able to block the wondering thoughts for the most part but now I am an emotional roller coaster. It doesnt help that I dont want to project these feelings to my husband right now because he is 10x worse about this trip since he can't go and feels helpless. I feel I have to be strong for him so he doesnt lose it.

At the same time, I am so obsessed with this journey right now! I remember this is how I was right before WLS. Crazy obsessions trying to do all the research about aftercare and such.

Good news is that I am taking vacation starting Thanksgiving day for a week before surgery to get the house and myself :-) in order. Followed by 6 weeks sick leave. People at work are wondering why I am taking like 7 weeks vacation..haha. I chose to only tell a few people about my surgery as I work with most all guys..I know they would be giving me a hard time . I do have close to 6 weeks saved in vacation but only be taking one in reality.

Well, all I can say as the days are flying by and next thing you know I will be posting that I am flying out..woo..hoo Tammy

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First post on my new journey

Hi All. I am so excited to create a blog about my new journey! It was so easy to set up..well kindof :-). Thanks to Jessica for her great blogs, I thought I would start one of my own. I have learned so much from hers and hope to pay it forward in some way myself.

I have 16 days until I leave for Mexico and 17 until surgery. I am having TT, BL/BA, Lipo to back, flanks, and thighs, and fat grafting to this flat booty of mine. I think Dr Sauceda may see that I need a small thigh lift when he sees me in person but who knows...lipo may be enough. I am so excited and nervous at the same time! There is so much to still do....

Well, I don't have too much time to write today since I spent much of it putting this site together...and still have lots to do on it.